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Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy is a safe, noninvasive way to improve microcirculation and ensure that your body is functioning at its best level possible!   

Right Eye

The RightEye Vision System focuses on functional vision. This is different than your ability to see. Functional vision is how your eyes and brain work together to navigate the world.

Even people with 20/20 vision may have functional vision problems.

Problems with functional vision can lead to:


  • Difficulty driving

  • Balance issues

  • Reading and writing difficulties

  • Short attention span

  • Slow mental processing speed

  • Headaches

  • Concentration issues



The RightEye uses laser technology to scan eye gaze and tracking ability 100 times per second! This makes the results much more accurate than traditional eye gaze and tracking assessments.

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RightEye Vision System assesses:


  • Eye alignment

  • Object tracking

  • Dynamic visual focusing

  • Eye movement

  • Depth Perception

  • Eye-hand coordination

  • Visual perception

  • Visual integration



One in four children has a vision problem that affects learning; a vision problem that is often misinterpreted as disinterest, sleepiness, dyslexia, or ADHD. 50% of these vision disorders go undiagnosed and 25% have a vision problem significant enough to affect their preformance in school.


In sports, almost 80% of perceptual input is visual. RightEye measures the specific vision skills that affect reflexes and hand-eye coordination, including: eye movement speed, processing speed, dynamic focus, smooth visual pursuit, discrimination reaction time, choice reaction time, visual concentration, and contrast sensitivity.


90% of all concussions result in eye-movement dysfunction, and 9 out of 10 people with a traumatic brain injury suffer from oculomotor dysfunction. The RightEye Vision System is a reliable way to identify brain traumas, and to differentiate severity levels.


The RightEye Vision System smooth tracking results of a client before, after concussion, and after treatment results.


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