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Services for Professionals

Cognitive Functioning – Increase Productivity and Engagement

Time and money invested in staff training and development also improve staff retention by empowering staff to be more successful in their work.  Employees who feel valued and successful are more likely to make long term commitments to their employer.

The Enhance Protocol in the Workplace:
Customizable options to suit every need

Cognitive Assessments

Our cognitive assessment process begins with a standard screening tool-either the MoCA or MMSE. Unless screening scores are unusually low, participants will also complete a computer-based cognitive battery called CNS Vital Signs. These assessments are performed by the Memory Coach at or near the time of enrollment into The Enhance Protocol

Comprehensive Health History Review and Integrative Medication Analysis

To identify lifestyle and health history factors that may contribute to cognitive decline, along with considering the potential for cognitive challenges associated with common, conventional medications (statins, PPI’s, narcotics, benzos, sleep aides, anti-psychotics, etc.). Medication reductions or discontinuation may be considered but executed only after consent by the client and his or her primary care provider.

Roadmap Report™-

Receive a personalized ‘user manual’ for the client’s body and brain with specific recommendations regarding improvements to make through dietary changes, supplements, medication changes, exercise recommendations, and more. Recommendations for use of supplements will be based on the lab results.

Access to The Enhance Protocol Library of Resources

Each participant will have access through their memory coach to a library of recipes, tip sheets, informational summaries, videos and other helpful resources to help them along the way. These resources are shared as needed to fit individual participant needs.

Use of therapy devices

The Enhance Protocol is a multi-modal approach. The protocol often includes recommendations for the use of various medical devices to improve cerebral blood flow, promote energy production, calm inflammation, improve balance, help with detoxification, and other benefits. The Memory Coach will provide training and assistance to participants who desire to implement medical device interventions on a remote basis. One of our Memory Coaches can come to your location for a day to allow your team members the option to utilize our many therapy devices .

The Enhance Protocol Lab Panel

This lab panel is an extensive look at many nutrients, hormones, inflammatory markers, and genetic markers that all play important roles in brain health.    This approach improves the identification of the root causes of dementia and offers a better chance to improve. Deficiencies in methylation can affect energy levels, mental health, neurotransmitter production, and other factors.

Extensive Bloodwork Analysis

A thorough evaluation of various lab tests unique to The Enhance Protocol provide insight into a multi-modal approach to cognitive enhancement. Inherent in this process is an attempt to optimize objective laboratory markers even when results may fall ‘within normal limits.’

Two One-hour Private Coaching Sessions

Each participant will meet with a memory coach in a private meeting to review the specific results of their cognitive testing, lab work, health history review, and medication analysis. The goal of this session is to ensure the participant understands exactly what may be affecting his or her brain health and what may be done to improve. A repeat cognitive test and private interview to discuss progress, answer questions and explore options for next steps will also be conducted quarterly

Group Coaching Sessions

Participation in either weekly 30-minute or bi-weekly 60-minute group coaching sessions regarding specific topics related to brain health and implementation of The Enhance Protocol. The goal of these sessions is to help participants develop greater skill and understanding to manage their own health optimally.

Additional Private Coaching, if Desired

Participants will have access to additional private coaching at a special rate of $100 per hour. This additional coaching option would be billed directly to the team member.

To see how we can help improve performance in your company, contact us at 701-638-1800
Marble Surface

Top neurologists have recognized that many cases of Alzheimer’s disease are preventable because the condition is heavily affected by modifiable risk factors- many of which begin to affect the brain decades before dementia symptoms appear.   Dr. Dale Bredesen, one of the nation’s leading Alzheimer’s researchers, now suggests that cognitive dysfunction results when synapse-destroying processes outpace the synapse-building processes in the brain.  Treating cognitive dysfunction is possible by following a systematic and personalized approach for identifying and treating the various sub-optimal (as opposed to non-normal) conditions in the body that can lead to dementia. Dr. Bredesen’s ReCODE protocol is the basis for The Enhance Protocol® developed by A Mind For All Seasons®, LLC. The Enhance Protocol consists of all the tools, systems, coaching, support and consultation necessary to implement a multi-modal approach to brain health.

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